Closing Gaps to Catalyze Meaningful Change.


We invest in projects that identify an existing gap and has the potential to shift the world to powerful new ways of doing things.

We invest in, and selectively partner with those who not only have novel vision, but who are also fundamentally driven by a desire to do good in the world. Whether it is carving space for timely and relevant thought leadership that challenges an entire sector, or championing complex private-public partnerships and policy development between the Global North and South, we exist to strengthen extraordinary stakeholders, helping them perceive where gaps exist, have a voice, while delivering elegant solutions.

A sample of our portfolio companies making deep impact globally…

LACUNA n. la·cu·na | \ lə-ˈkü-nə : a gap, a blank space or a missing part. i.e., scientific lacuna, an area of scientific research not yet pursued, but should be.